Frequently Asked Questions About Themeforest - 2025's Best Selling WordPress Themes, Website Templates and eCommerce, TogoThemes, Togo Themes

Frequently Asked Questions About Themeforest

           Themeforest License Statuses


1) Are the licenses made to the domain?

Themes you get from Themeforest are licensed on your behalf. There is no such thing as licensing the site domain. You do not need to enter any code or anything to activate the theme.

You only need to define your API KEY to be able to see notifications from your admin panel when the theme is updated.


2) For how many sites can I use the theme from Themeforest?

Although the theme is licensed to your name, you have the right to use the theme license for only one site. This is how Enveto explains about licenses.

Apart from that, there are a few more points to consider:

You cannot sell the purchased theme. Even if it is free, you cannot install it for another site that does not belong to you. Or, you cannot use it on the site you made for a customer.

For example, you are someone who builds and sells WordPress sites. You cannot use the theme you purchased on the sites you made for customers.

For this, you need to get an Extended license. Of course, there are conditions for this. In order for the theme license to be transferred to your customer, you need to invoice your work, include the theme in the invoice, etc. Thus, the license is transferred to your customer. Neither you nor your customer has a headache.

Theme support in Regular License is 6 months. When you have a problem with the theme, you can request support from the theme manufacturer. Purcase Code may be requested when making a support request. You can get this from the options on the Download button where you downloaded the theme.


3) How long can Themeforest themes be used?

Licenses are perpetual. You can use themes for as long as you want. You can only get 6 months of free support.