How to Buy Theme from Themeforest? - 2025's Best Selling WordPress Themes, Website Templates and eCommerce, TogoThemes, Togo Themes

How to Buy Theme from Themeforest?

Before moving on to how to buy a theme from Themeforest, it is useful to mention a few things;

In order to buy a theme from Themeforest, you must have a credit or debit card (debit card), and your card must be open to international payments and online shopping.

I should also mention that a +2 dollar service fee is deducted when purchasing a theme. If your cards are closed for online shopping and international payments, you can open them by calling your bank.

If you have a Skrill account, you can also make payments using this account.


                      Membership ?

In order to shop from Themeforest, you must first be a member of the site. Being a member does not hurt, on the contrary, it even helps.

Envato Market allows you to download some of its products, such as a theme, html template, video template, script, for free for a short time every month. This is a feature it only offers to its members.

Also, being a member can keep you informed about discounts on some popular themes. For example, a popular theme for $79 recently went on sale for $19 for three days. In order not to miss such opportunities, it is a good option to become a member even if you do not buy themes.


     How to Become a Member of Themeforest?

First of all, we reach the login form by clicking the Sing In button in the upper right corner of the page opened by Clicking Here. Click on Create an Envato account at the bottom of the form.

We enter our membership information on the page we are directed to. I agree to the Envato Privacy Policy. Check the box and click the Create Account button.

We go to the e-mail address you entered in the member form and confirm the incoming e-mail by clicking the Confirm Now button.

On the page we are directed to, we choose Your Location as Turkey. If we want to be informed about campaigns and promotions, we tick the Email Newsletters box. Check the Terms and Conditions box and All good, let's go! Click the button to complete the registration process.

If you want to update your membership profile, you can use the Settings option from the options that appear by clicking on your username in the upper right corner of the page after logging in.