You can find your theme by typing the name of the theme you liked before in the search box. By clicking on the theme, we go to the page with the features of the theme. On the right, there is an area with the price of the theme and the purchase buttons.
From here, you can add the theme to your cart for later purchase by clicking the Add to Cart button. If you want, you can proceed directly to the purchase process by clicking the Buy Now button.
What you need to pay attention to here is whether you tick the Extend support to 12 months box. If you tick this box, you will extend the theme support for another 12 months, which is normally 6 months.
You agree to pay an additional fee to vary from theme to theme. There's no need for that. If there is already a problem with the theme, it will show itself in 6 months. In this process, you will already receive free support. If there is a problem with the theme after six months, it is also possible to get support by paying an additional fee. There is no need to pay an additional fee to the unnecessary place in the first place.
When we click on the Buy Now button, we are directed to the payment page. If you have entered our address information before, you can continue by choosing the direct payment method. If you haven't, you need to enter your address information in order to create your invoice.
We enter our credit card information;
Card Number: You write all the large numbers on the front of your credit card here.
Expiry Date: The expiration date of your credit card. This information is written on the front of your card.
CVV: It is a 3-digit code on the back of your card, usually printed above the signature area.
If you check the Save card for next time box, you won't need to re-enter your card information the next time you make a purchase.
After entering the card information, we click on the Make Payment button.