How to choose Themeforest Theme? - 2025's Best Selling WordPress Themes, Website Templates and eCommerce, TogoThemes, Togo Themes

How to choose Themeforest Theme?

The first step in using a professional theme is choosing a theme that fits your business model and industry. With the user interface and advanced search engine of Themeforest, it becomes very easy to choose.

When you enter the site by clicking on the Themeforest link, a search box appears. You can search by typing words related to your business model here.

You can also perform category-based manual searches. When you hover over the WordPress submenu, you can select one of the listed categories and browse the themes.

Of course, since the Themeforest interface is in English, it will be necessary to make the calls in English.

Blog/Magazine for personal blogs or magazines, fashion sites (see: Blog Themes – News Themes)

BuddyPress for WordPress' forum system

Corporate for legal fields of activity such as brands and companies (see Corporate Themes)

Creative for photography, painting, music, project presentations in the field of creativity

Directory & Listings for sites to be built on listing such as company directory (see: WordPress company directory themes)

eCommerce for e-commerce sites (see: E-Commerce Themes)Education for sites on education

Layers WP for sites that we call tiers, commonly known as Single Pages, used for service and product promotion.

Mobile is mostly for mobile users or for sites that want to use a separate theme for the mobile version of their site.

Nonprofit for organizations such as non-profit foundations, communities, associations

Real Estate for the real estate industry (see Real Estate Themes)

Retail for the retail sector operated by reservation such as hotel, restaurant, holiday village, yoga, gym, massage center, spa, hairdresser.

For sites in the technology area, Technology (see: Technology Themes)

Wedding for sites that deal with organization works such as wedding, circumcision, party.

Miscellaneous for sites that cannot fit into any category other than these

You can choose such categories. These words can be searched. When you select a category or search, a list with small images appears in front of you.

You can list your searches one below the other or in a grid view. It is also possible to list your list with criteria such as best selling, most popular, cheap to expensive.